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Addressing unobserved heterogeneity at road user level for the analysis of conflict risk at tunnel toll plaza: A correlated grouped random parameters logit approach with heterogeneity in means

Analytic Methods in Accident Research Pub Date : 08/26/2022 00:00:00 , DOI:10.1016/j.amar.2022.100243
Toll plaza is a designated area of controlled-access roads like expressway, bridge, and tunnel for toll collection. A number of toll booths are often placed at the toll plaza accommodating high passing traffic and multiple payment methods. Traffic and safety characteristics of toll plazas are different from that of other road entities. Different conflict risk indicators, which are usually longitudinal, have been adopted for real-time safety assessment. In this study, correlated grouped random parameter logit models with heterogeneity in the means are established to capture the unobserved heterogeneity, with additional flexibility, at road user level for the association between conflict risk and influencing factors. In addition, modified conflict risk indicator is developed to assess the safety of diverging, merging, and weaving movements of traffic, with which vehicles’ dimensions (width and length), and longitudinal and angular movements are considered. Also, prevalence and severity of both rear-end and sideswipe conflicts are assessed. Results indicate that toll collection type, vehicle’s location, average longitudinal speed, angular speed, acceleration, and vehicle class all affect the risk of traffic conflicts. Furthermore, there are significant correlation among the random parameters of severe traffic conflicts. Proposed analytic method can accommodate the conflict risk analysis for different conflict types and account for the correlation of unobserved heterogeneity. Findings should shed light on appropriate remedial measures like traffic signs, road markings, and advanced traffic management system that can improve the safety at tunnel toll plazas.
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