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Gun energy filter for a low energy electron microscope
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113798
In a Low Energy Electron Microscope (LEEM) the sample is illuminated with an electron beam with typical electron landing energies from 0–100 eV. The energy spread of the electron beam is determined by the characteristics of the electron source. For the two most commonly used electron sources, LaB6 and cold field emission W, typical energy spreads ΔE are 0.75 and 0.25 eV at full width half maximum, respectively. Here we present a design for a LEEM gun energy filter, that reduces ΔE to ∼100 meV. Such a filter has been incorporated in the IBM/SPECS AC-LEEM system at IBM. Experimental results are presented and found to be in excellent agreement with expectations.
Quantitative mapping of strain and displacement fields over HR-TEM and HR-STEM images of crystals with reference to a virtual lattice
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113778
A method for the reciprocal space treatment of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR-STEM) images has been developed. Named “Absolute strain” (AbStrain), it allows for quantification and mapping of interplanar distances and angles, displacement fields and strain tensor components with reference to a user-defined Bravais lattice and with their corrections from the image distortions specific to HR-TEM and HR-STEM imaging. We provide the corresponding mathematical formalism. AbStrain goes beyond the restriction of the existing method known as geometric phase analysis by enabling direct analysis of the area of interest without the need for reference lattice fringes of a similar crystal structure on the same field of view. In addition, for the case of a crystal composed of two or more types of atoms, each with its own sub-structure constraint, we developed a method named “Relative displacement” for extracting sub-lattice fringes associated to one type of atom and measuring atomic columns displacements associated to each sub-structure with reference to a Bravais lattice or to another sub-structure. The successful application of AbStrain and Relative displacement to HR-STEM images of functional oxide ferroelectric heterostructures is demonstrated.
Real-time simulations of ADF STEM probe position-integrated scattering cross-sections for single element fcc crystals in zone axis orientation using a densely connected neural network
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113769
Quantification of annular dark field (ADF) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) images in terms of composition or thickness often relies on probe-position integrated scattering cross sections (PPISCS). In order to compare experimental PPISCS with theoretically predicted ones, expensive simulations are needed for a given specimen, zone axis orientation, and a variety of microscope settings. The computation time of such simulations can be in the order of hours using a single GPU card. ADF STEM simulations can be efficiently parallelized using multiple GPUs, as the calculation of each pixel is independent of other pixels. However, most research groups do not have the necessary hardware, and, in the best-case scenario, the simulation time will only be reduced proportionally to the number of GPUs used. In this manuscript, we use a learning approach and present a densely connected neural network that is able to perform real-time ADF STEM PPISCS predictions as a function of atomic column thickness for most common face-centered cubic (fcc) crystals (i.e., Al, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au and Pb) along [100] and [111] zone axis orientations, root-mean-square displacements, and microscope parameters. The proposed architecture is parameter efficient and yields accurate predictions for the PPISCS values for a wide range of input parameters that are commonly used for aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopes.
Editorial Board
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-03-27 , DOI: 10.1016/s0304-3991(23)00041-4
Abstract not available
Editorial Board
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-16 , DOI: 10.1016/s0304-3991(23)00059-1
Abstract not available
Characterization of transverse electron pulse trains using RF powered traveling wave metallic comb striplines
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113733
Advancements in ultrafast electron microscopy have allowed elucidation of spatially selective structural dynamics. However, as the spatial resolution and imaging capabilities have made progress, quantitative characterization of the electron pulse trains has not been reported at the same rate. In fact, inexperienced users have difficulty replicating the technique because only a few dedicated microscopes have been characterized thoroughly. Systems replacing laser driven photoexcitation with electrically driven deflectors especially suffer from a lack of quantified characterization because of the limited quantity. The primary advantages to electrically driven systems are broader frequency ranges, ease of use and simple synchronization to electrical pumping. Here, we characterize the technical parameters for electrically driven UEM including the shape, size and duration of the electron pulses using low and high frequency chopping methods. At high frequencies, pulses are generated by sweeping the electron beam across a chopping aperture. For low frequencies, the beam is continuously forced off the optic axis by a DC potential, then momentarily aligned by a countering pulse. Using both methods, we present examples that measure probe durations of 2 ns and 10 ps for the low and high frequency techniques, respectively. We also discuss how the implementation of a pulsed probe affects STEM imaging conditions by adjusting the first condenser lens.
Circular dichroism in hard X-ray photoelectron diffraction observed by time-of-flight momentum microscopy
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113750
X-ray photoelectron diffraction (XPD) is a powerful technique that yields detailed structural information of solids and thin films that complements electronic structure measurements. Among the strongholds of XPD we can identify dopant sites, track structural phase transitions, and perform holographic reconstruction. High-resolution imaging of kll-distributions (momentum microscopy) presents a new approach to core-level photoemission. It yields full-field kx-ky XPD patterns with unprecedented acquisition speed and richness in details. Here, we show that beyond the pure diffraction information, XPD patterns exhibit pronounced circular dichroism in the angular distribution (CDAD) with asymmetries up to 80%, alongside with rapid variations on a small kll-scale (0.1 Å−1). Measurements with circularly-polarized hard X-rays (hν = 6 keV) for a number of core levels, including Si, Ge, Mo and W, prove that core-level CDAD is a general phenomenon that is independent of atomic number. The fine structure in CDAD is more pronounced compared to the corresponding intensity patterns. Additionally, they obey the same symmetry rules as found for atomic and molecular species, and valence bands. The CD is antisymmetric with respect to the mirror planes of the crystal, whose signatures are sharp zero lines. Calculations using both the Bloch-wave approach and one-step photoemission reveal the origin of the fine structure that represents the signature of Kikuchi diffraction. To disentangle the roles of photoexcitation and diffraction, XPD has been implemented into the Munich SPRKKR package to unify the one-step model of photoemission and multiple scattering theory.
Versatile procedure for the correction of non-isochromatism in XPEEM spectroscopic imaging
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113756
Non-isochromatism in X-ray PhotoEmission Electron Microscopy (XPEEM) may result in unwanted artifacts especially when working with large field of views. The lack of isochromatism of XPEEM images may result from multiple factors, for instance the energy dispersion of the X-rays on the sample or the effect of one or more dispersive elements in the electron optics of the microscope, or the combination of both. In practice, the photon energy or the electron kinetic energy may vary across the image, complicating image interpretation and analysis. The effect becomes severe when imaging at low magnification upon irradiation with high energy photons. Such imaging demands for a large X-ray illuminating spot size usually achieved by opening the exit slit of the X-ray monochromator while reducing the monochromaticity of the irradiating light. However, we show that the effect is linear and can be fully removed. A versatile correction procedure is presented which leads to true monochromatic photoelectron images at improved signal-to-noise ratio. XPEEM data recorded at the nanospectroscopy beamline of the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility illustrate the working principle of the procedure. Also, reciprocal space XPEEM data such as angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) momentum plots suffer from linear energy dispersion artifacts which can be corrected in a similar way. Representative data acquired from graphene synthesized on copper by chemical vapor deposition prove the benefits of the correction procedure.
Breaking the 10 nm barrier using molecular ions in nuclear microprobes
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113812
The spatial resolution plays a crucial role in determining the performance of a nuclear microprobe. However, the formation of spatial resolutions below 10 nm remains a challenge in nuclear microprobes. Here, we propose novel technologies (near-axis scanning transmission ion microscopy and double-fragment scattering) utilizing molecular ions to address this challenge and demonstrate a H2+ molecular beam with 6.0 × 10 nm2 lateral resolution and monolayer thickness resolution respectively. Using the improved nuclear microprobe, we directly demonstrate that the ionization of a H2+ can be efficiently achieved using one single layer graphene, and also that single and few layers of freestanding graphene can be clearly differentiated and identified. The precise control of fast molecular ions at sub-10 nm scales has the potential to unlock new avenues of applications.
A precision dimple grinder-polisher produced by 3D printing
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113813
A precision dimple grinder has been designed and constructed using 3D printing. The purpose of the device is to produce a thin central area in 3 mm round samples for transmission electron microscopy before ion milling to electron transparency. The device can be self-made by any laboratory with a 3D printer for scientific research or teaching, and when combined with recycling and use of biodegradable filaments it can help labs reach their sustainable development goals. A novel sample holder design allows sample alignment without a monocular and thickness detection by light transmission. Novel solutions are developed for aligning the grinding disc and sample rotation motors and for fixing the polishing cloth to the polishing disc. The diameter-depth relationship is examined for steel and plastic grinding discs. Design principles and materials are discussed, and the tool is evaluated by preparing samples from copper, silicon and tungsten, which are then examined in the transmission electron microscope.
GHz sample excitation at the ALBA-PEEM
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113757
We describe a setup that is used for high-frequency electrical sample excitation in a cathode lens electron microscope with the sample stage at high voltage as used in many synchrotron light sources. Electrical signals are transmitted by dedicated high-frequency components to the printed circuit board supporting the sample. Sub-miniature push-on connectors (SMP) are used to realize the connection in the ultra-high vacuum chamber, bypassing the standard feedthrough. A bandwidth up to 4 GHz with -6 dB attenuation was measured at the sample position, which allows to apply sub-nanosecond pulses. We describe different electronic sample excitation schemes and demonstrate a spatial resolution of 56 nm employing the new setup.
Quantitative comparison of excitation modes of tuning forks for shear force in probe microscopy
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113772
This article provides a careful comparison between the electric and mechanical excitation of a tuning fork for shear force feedback in scanning probe microscopy, an analysis not found in present literature. A setup is designed and demonstrated for robust signal and noise measurements at comparable levels of physical movement of the probe. Two different signal amplification methods, combined with two excitation ways provide three possible configurations. For each method a quantitative analysis, supported by analytical elaboration and numerical simulations, is provided. Finally, it is shown that in practical circumstances electric excitation followed by detection with a transimpedance amplifier provides the best result.
Non-contact non-resonant atomic force microscopy method for measurements of highly mobile molecules and nanoparticles
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113816
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is nowadays indispensable versatile scanning probe method widely employed for fundamental and applied research in physics, chemistry, biology as well as industrial metrology. Conventional AFM systems can operate in various environments such as ultra-high vacuum (UHV), electrolyte solutions, or controlled gas atmosphere. Measurements in ambient air are prevalent due to their technical simplicity; however, there are drawbacks such as formation of water meniscus that greatly increases attractive interaction (adhesion) between the tip and the sample, reduced spatial resolution, and too strong interactions leading to tip and/or sample modifications. Here we show how the attractive forces in AFM under ambient conditions can be used with advantage to probe surface properties in a very sensitive way even on highly mobile molecules and nanoparticles. We introduce a stable non-contact non-resonant (NCNR) AFM method which enables to reliably perform measurements in the attractive force regime even in air by controlling the tip position in the intimate surface vicinity without touching it. We demonstrate proof-of-concept results on helicene-based macrocycles, DNA on mica, and nanodiamonds on SiO2. We compare the results with other conventional AFM regimes, showing NCNR advantages such as higher spatial resolution, reduced tip contamination, and negligible sample modification. We analyze principle physical and chemical mechanisms influencing the measurements, discuss issues of stability and various possible method implementations. We explain how the NCNR method can be applied in any AFM system by a mere software modification. The method thus opens a new research field for measurements of highly sensitive and mobile nanoscale objects under air and other environments.
Focused light introduction into transmission electron microscope via parabolic mirror
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113759
We developed a novel light optics system installed in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) to introduce a focused light accurately adjusted at the electron beam irradiation position using a parabolic mirror. With a parabolic mirror covering both the upper and lower sides of the sample, the position and focus of the light beam can be evaluated by imaging the angular distribution of the transmitted light. By comparing the light image and the electron micrograph, the irradiation positions of the electron beam and the laser beam can be accurately adjusted to each other. The size of the focused light was confirmed to be within a few microns from the light Ronchigram, which is consistent with the simulated light spot size. The spot size and position alignment were further confirmed by laser-ablating only a targeted polystyrene particle without damaging the surrounding particles. When using a halogen lamp as the light source, this system allows investigating optical spectra in comparison with cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra at exactly the same location.
Cryogenic spectroscopic imaging scanning tunnelling microscope in a water-cooled magnet down to 1.7 K
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-06-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113773
Spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunnelling microscope (SI-STM) in a water-cooled magnet (WM) at low temperature has long been desirable in the condensed matter physics area since it is crucial for addressing various scientific problems, such as the behaviour of Cooper electrons crossing Hc2 in a high-temperature superconductor. Here we report on the construction and performance of the first atomically resolved cryogenic SI-STM in a WM. It operates at low temperatures of down to 1.7 K and in magnetic fields of up to 22 T (the WM's upper safety limit). The WM-SI-STM unit features a high-stiffness sapphire-based frame with the lowest eigenfrequency being 16 kHz. A slender piezoelectric scan tube (PST) is coaxially embedded in and glued to the frame. A well-polished zirconia shaft is spring-clamped onto the gold-coated inner wall of the PST to serve both the stepper and the scanner. The microscope unit as a whole is elastically suspended in a tubular sample space inside a 1K-cryostat by a two-stage internal passive vibrational reduction system, achieving a base temperature below 2 K in a static exchange gas. We demonstrate the SI-STM by imaging TaS2 at 50 K and FeSe at 1.7 K. Detecting the well-defined superconducting gap of FeSe, an iron-based superconductor, at variable magnetic fields demonstrates the device's spectroscopic imaging capability. The maximum noise intensity at the typical frequency is 3 pA per square root Hz at 22 T, which is only slightly worse than at 0 T, indicating the insensitivity of the STM to harsh conditions. In addition, our work shows the potential of SI-STMs for use in a WM and hybrid magnet with a 50 mm-bore size where high fields can be generated.
Fast reconstruction of scanning transmission electron microscopy images using Markov random field model
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113811
In this study, we proposed a fast method of reconstruction for scanning transmission electron microscopy images. The proposed method is based on the Markov random field model and Bayesian inference, and we found that the method can reconstruct such images of sizes 512 × 512 and 264 × 240 in less than 200 ms and 100 ms, respectively. Furthermore, we showed that the method of reconstruction from multiple images without averaging them has better reconstruction performance than that from the averaged image.
Preface to Special Section on Imaging, Diffraction and Crystallography – John Spence's Legacy
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113758
Abstract not available
Neutral helium atom microscopy
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113753
Neutral helium atom microscopy, also referred to as scanning helium microscopy and commonly abbreviated SHeM or NAM (neutral atom microscopy), is a novel imaging technique that uses a beam of neutral helium atoms as an imaging probe. The technique offers a number of advantages such as the very low energy of the incident probing atoms (less than 0.1 eV), unsurpassed surface sensitivity (no penetration into the sample bulk), a charge neutral, inert probe and a high depth of field. This opens up for a range of interesting applications such as: imaging of fragile and/or non-conducting samples without damage, inspection of 2D materials and nano-coatings, with the possibility to test properties such as grain boundaries or roughness on the Å ngström scale (the wavelength of the incident helium atoms) and imaging of samples with high aspect ratios, with the potential to obtain true to scale height information of 3D surface topography with nanometer resolution: nano stereo microscopy. However, for a full exploitation of the technique, a range of experimental and theoretical issues still needs to be resolved. In this paper we review the research in the field. We do this by following the trajectory of the helium atoms step by step through the microscope: from the initial acceleration in the supersonic expansion used to generate the probing beam over the atom optical elements used to shape the beam (resolution limits), followed by interaction of the helium atoms with the sample (contrast properties) to the final detection and post-processing. We also review recent advances in scanning helium microscope design including a discussion of imaging with other atoms and molecules than helium.
A correction for higher-order refraction in cathodoluminescence spectrometry
Ultramicroscopy ( IF 2.994 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113770
Cathodoluminescence (CL) is a developing analytical method in electron microscopy, because of its excellent energy resolution. Usually a Czerny–Turner type spectrometer is employed, having a blazed grating as analyzer. Unlike a prism analyzer, where the dispersion depends on the refractive index of the prism itself leading to a non-linear spectral distribution, the grating has the advantage that the spectral distribution depends linearly on the wavelength. As a draw-back, higher-order refraction alters the measured optical spectrum at larger wavelengths. In general, blazed gratings are used in order to minimize this effect in a certain spectral range. Nevertheless, the higher-order intensities can be still significant. In the present study we present a method for correcting the acquired optical spectra with respect to higher order diffraction intensities and apply it to CaO and GaN CL-spectra.
工程技术3区MICROSCOPY 显微镜技术1区
自引率H-indexSCI收录状况PubMed Central (PML)
19.20109Science Citation Index Science Citation Index Expanded
Ultramicroscopy is an established journal that provides a forum for the publication of original research papers, invited reviews and rapid communications. The scope of Ultramicroscopy is to describe advances in instrumentation, methods and theory related to all modes of microscopical imaging, diffraction and spectroscopy in the life and physical sciences.
Invited reviews, Original research Articles and Rapid Communications
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