ACS Environmental Au ( IF 0 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-05 , DOI:
The American Society for Mass Spectrometry was founded in 1969. (1) Over the years, the Society has experienced rapid growth and is composed of >7500 members, representing a diverse group of individuals from varied industry, government, and academic settings. The stated goal of ASMS is “to promote and disseminate knowledge of mass spectrometry and allied topics”. (1) One component of that mission is the publication of the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry (JASMS). As the publication industry is adapting to rapidly evolving policies, JASMS seeks to ensure it fully represents the diverse interests of all subdisciplines of mass spectrometry while aligning to modern publication standards. We hope this editorial helps to inspire and provide you with an opportunity to help shape JASMS to suit the needs of each ASMS member. As a 501(c)(3) charitable organization duly formed in the United States, ASMS is bound by laws that dictate aspects of the Society, including membership and governing structure. ASMS is led by a nine-member Board of Directors who have been elected by the members of the Society. As the Board of Directors provides governance through directing Society functions and ensuring financial security, it is critical to the success of ASMS. To manage specific aspects of the Society, the Board relies on committees. The board structure consists of the offices of President, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Arrangements, Treasurer, Secretary, and Past President. In addition to these individuals, three Members-at-Large direct the efforts of the Membership, Education, and Publication committees. The members of the committees serve two-year terms and are selected from the ASMS membership as recommended by the committee members and approved by the Board of Directors. Here, we introduce you to the current members of the Publications Committee. Stephen Valentine, ASMS Member-at-Large for Publications, is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at West Virginia University where he develops new MS instrumentation and techniques for ‘omics analyses. Vanessa Phelan is an Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Science at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, where she develops new methods to investigate microbial metabolomics. Mowei Zhou (PNNL) is a national lab staff scientist who specializes in native top-down MS. Stefani Thomas (University of Minnesota Medical School) is an Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology who applies mass spectrometry-based proteomics methods to elucidate the biology of ovarian cancer; she is also a Clinical Chemist serving as the Associate Medical Director of the M Health Fairview West Bank Laboratory. Joe Cannon is a Scientific Associate Director of Biotransformation at Bristol Myers Squibb. The Publications Committee is chaired by the ASMS Member-at-Large for Publications. The committee performs several main functions, namely: (1) review content and assist with testing of online conference proceedings; (2) act as liaison between ASMS and JASMS; (3) develop educational publications (with the Education Committee) such as brochures and posters on specific topics; (4) contribute content to the Society Web site; and (5) meet at the annual conference and prepare a report for the ASMS Board of Directors. While all of this work is important, for the remainder of this informational editorial, we focus on our efforts to interface with the board and the JASMS team. In performing its liaison duties mentioned above, the Publications Committee meets regularly with Professor Vicki Wysocki, the current Editor-in-Chief (EIC) of JASMS. This interaction provides an effective channel for bidirectional information flow between the ASMS Board of Directors and the EIC. In these meetings, specific concerns are discussed such as suggested actions to recompose the Editorial Board. The Publications Committee also holds discussions regarding the performance of JASMS. One topic of consideration is how to increase the impact factor of the journal while not sacrificing its commitment to represent all relevant MS topics. Still other discussions are concerned with plans to increase the visibility of JASMS. As part of these efforts, the committee has worked with outstanding JASMS Twitter account managers. Past managers include graduate students Cameron Worthington and Tiffany Cummings (UNC Chapel Hill); the current managers are graduate students Liam Dugan (Carnegie Mellon University) and Kimberly Fabijanczuk (Purdue University). These individuals have volunteered numerous hours to provide increased visibility (with a dash of fun) for JASMS. Because board governance is only as good as the support received from the members of the Society, in closing we issue a call to arms. We ask, “what can you do to help us in our service?” First, it is important to become/maintain membership in ASMS. The Society benefits from all perspectives and the work performed by each of the members. Second, get to know the individual members of the committee, which enables you to make appropriate suggestions to improve JASMS. Third, make suggestions for new committee members as well as the Member-at-Large position. The suggestions for new committee members can be provided to the current committee members; the suggestion for the latter position can be made to members of the ASMS Board of Directors. While making such suggestions, please note the commitment by the society to ensure that the members of the board and each standing committee reflect its diverse membership. Finally, vote! We recently held elections to replace outgoing Board of Directors members, including the Member-at-Large for Publications. We are excited to welcome Kelly Hines (University of Georgia) as the newly elected Member-at-Large for Publications. We know that the work of this committee is in good hands. We also wish to thank you all for all your efforts and your support. Sincerely, This article references 1 other publications. This article has not yet been cited by other publications. This article references 1 other publications.