Carbohydrate Polymers ( IF 10.723 ) Pub Date : 2023-07-18 , DOI:
10.1016/j.carbpol.2023.121209This work presented a facile way of stabilizing capsanthin by physically-connected soft hydrogels via utilizing specially-structured polysaccharides, and investigated rheological properties, self-recovering mechanism and 3D printability. The functionalized hydrogels demonstrated excellent color quality including redness, yellowness index and hue with great storage stability and visual perception. The soft hydrogels fabricated with properly sequenced polyglyceryl fatty acid esters, β-cyclodextrin, chitosan, and low-content capsanthin possessed outstanding extrudability, appropriate yield stress, reasonable mechanical strength, rational elasticity and structure sustainability. Furthermore, the self-recovering properties based on hydrogen bonds, host-guest interactions and electrostatic interactions were revealed and verified by structural, zeta potential, micro-morphological, zeta potential, thixotropic, creep-recovery, and macroscopic/microscopic characterizations. Along with excellent antioxidant performance, the subsequent 3D printing onto bread with complex models elucidated the high geometry accuracy and great sensory characters. The sequenced physically-connected hydrogels incorporated with capsanthin can provide new insights on stabilizing hydrophobic biomaterials and developing the 3D printed exquisite, innovative food.